
Wheel of the Year – October/November – Southern Hemisphere

Beltaine is all about indulgence, prosperity, surprise, delight, release, desire, wild energy, sexual tension, passion and an overall lust and joy of life.  We are entering the brightest season heading toward the full heat of the year – but haven’t quite arrived yet. 

Historically Beltaine was about fertility and abundance – when the crops were plentiful and nature had revealed her growth and potential.  It is the opposite to Samhain – the celebrations occurring in the northern hemisphere (all about mystery, darkness, going within and hidden messages). Beltaine is the celebration of all things in plain sight: we can see the bounty that nature has produced, we release our powerful emotions and creativity abounds, we make fierce connections – if only for the festival.  We are more overt with our sexuality, can revel in indulgence and fulfill our desires.  The season supports this, which makes it so much easier. 

Beltaine corresponds to the Cycle of Life when young adults start to choose their life partners – perhaps creating a family in their wild abandon and passion of the season.  Beyond the sexual tension and gratification, there is a tendency to become more adventurous, making rash decisions to change life circumstances, career, travel or other abrupt change of mind, perhaps living out other heart-felt desires.  A force beyond our control may take over, a type of gay abandonment takes hold (if only for one day).  At this turn of the wheel, more than any other time in the year, we are more likely to lose our inhibitions and just celebrate the fullness and the randomness of life and all that comes with it. The possibilities and the excitement seems to gather us up and take us on a journey we didn’t know was coming.

Every year I think it would be great to have a Beltaine festival/celebration, but every year – my plans seem to get overtaken by two things: my birthday and my frustration with southern hemisphere celebrations of Halloween.  I know I will never win the battle to remove Halloween celebrations at this time of year, however, I do think if I put more energy into it, the Beltaine celebrations will become more popular.  Who can argue against a party that celebrates abundance, indulgence and adventurous activities!  OK – next year, I’m doing it!

Would you like to celebrate Beltaine this year? It doesn’t have to be on November 1st, the Beltaine energy is around for a little while – you can use it to bring about change and greater energy in your life right now. Why not make the most of it and plan something for this weekend. Here’s a few ideas of what you can do – either on your own or in a group:

1. Raise the Energy/the Vibe for yourself or the group

Start with some stomping, and jumping about – get your heart, legs and body moving.

2. Dance

You can make up your own and just dance wildly in your living room – or better still out in your backyard (my preferred option) or you can download a Maypole sequence from Youtube

3. Sing

Any song – as long as it is a joyful, passionate or even lustful, one.Artistic expression

4. Artistic Expression

Any type of artistic endeavour is good, but I fell this season lends itself to painting with some wild, expressive strokes. I feel like painting a large canvas with bright colors in a random abstract fashion but that’s just me – this is your project, so grab any type of creative medium and go wild!

5. Explore

Take a leap of faith in something you don’t normally do – a more adventurous type of love making or make connection with someone you have been noticing but haven’t been brave enough to approach.

If you are not in the mood for wild, random acts, then a moment of reflective journalling may be more your cup of tea, but whatever you do, make sure it is done with passionate and gay abandonment – in keeping with the theme of this moment in the Wheel of the Year.

Let me know what you get up to – I’d love to see a picture!



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