The Natural Healer Blog

person holding almond topping cookies

Healthy Chocolate Brownies (gluten free)

I know this sounds too good to be true, but I tried these out with my girlfriends on a weekend away last week, and they were a hit. I didn’t even tell them the ingredients until after they had eaten them and were all gushing at how delicious they were. One of the things that

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white crescent moon in the sky

New Moon Energy

This new moon is an ideal time to get your creative tools out , whether that be painting, writing, music, whatever creative arts are for you.  Put away your screens and get inspired. If we allow space in our lives for this we create an environment conducive to accessing our intuition, inspiration and get closer to our dreams and passions and at the same time create healing and transformation.

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seashore during golden hour

Sound & Energy Healing Aftercare

Even if you don’t physically notice anything different. There are lots of things moving and shifting around in and out of your body, and this aftercare practice will help support that.

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a group of white and grey objects

Tuning Forks as Sound Healing Therapy – How does it work?

We are on the brink of a new wave of health and healing: instead of the old medical model that compartmentalizes illness and treats one system at a time. Start your journey into sound and energy healing using tuning forks, or any other type of sound therapy, book in for a one-on-one or group sound healing session

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Healthy Eating Habits

General Healthy Eating Habits When it comes to healthy eating, sometimes people, just need a few ideas on where to start. Here is the basic sheet I usually give to all my clients on their first consultation with me. This does not take into consideration dairy/gluten free diets, but I know you’re smart enough to

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Is Anxiety and Stress the hidden epidemic of the 21st century?

This year my daughter finished her final year of high school and it astounded me the number of girls in her year level that were suffering anxiety. Is it the pressure of year 12 workload or is it something else? Looking around at my family, friends, my community and the people I see in my

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The Beneficial Effects of Sound Healing range far and wide.

It continually astounds me that despite many ancient cultures using “alternative” medicine for treating and healing chronic illness, it is only when western medical science can “prove” a technique works that it is then accepted and sound healing is a perfect example of that

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