Perimenopause & Weight Gain
Are you finding you’ve reached a certain age and your clothes don’t seem to fit right anymore? If you want to find out how to keep off those extra kilos without going on a diet or exercising more read on: Stop gaining weight during perimenopause .
You may have noticed the title of this Newsletter is “Beltaine”. This is the title for the minor Wheel of the Year celebration of fertility and abundance. Let’s celebrate the bountiful gifts of late Spring and all that nature provides. That’s what this season is all about. Beltaine is one of the cross-quarter elements of the Wheel of the Year, falling between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere it is celebrated on November 1st and in the North on May 1st (May Day) – think maypole dancing and reverence to the “Goddess” of Fertility.
Want to find out more and what you can do to celebrate in your own way? Read on … Beltaine.
3 Breaths to Centre and Reset
On the other end of the spectrum, after your Beltaine celebrations, you might like to get relaxed and peaceful. Last month I started to record some breathing exercises and meditations for my clients on a free App called Insight Timer. Here’s the latest one which is all about using your breath to calm your body and mind. It takes less than 5 minutes, so give it a go and let me know what you think! Just 3 Breaths to Center & Reset.
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