In traditional natural medicine, the belief is that “dis-ease” begins on an energetic level and if not resolved, then manifests in physical form. This correlates to the yogic belief that emotions are held within our body and create tension and pain in our joints and muscles. At first they might just be a gentle reminder that something feels uncomfortable. The usual response at this point is to ignore it, but the more we ignore it the more discomfort we experience until finally we either get injured or end up with strong pain and dis-ease that needs medical attention.
We feel dis-comfort because we can’t get rid of the unpleasant thoughts and feelings and the more we think about trying to get rid of them, the more they hang around. Just like the stone in your shoe that you just can’t seem to shake loose. Just imagine for a moment if you decided not to ignore these emotions (after all it is your body talking to you). Suppose you decided that you would “listen” to your body – how would that work?
The most powerful method of dealing with difficult emotions is to use your breathe. It is amazing how a few simple breaths techniques can help calm an emotion and help it on its way. Sounds too easy? Try this 10 minute exercise for yourself.
1. SIT IN A QUIET PLACE. Somewhere you won’t be distracted. Get yourself comfortable either in a chair which supports your spine or cross legged on the floor.
2. CLOSE YOUR EYES & FOCUS ON YOUR BREATH and allow your body to relax.
3. After a few moments start to count your breath:
INHALE FOR A COUNT OF 4, pause slightly then
Continue with this breathing pattern for a couple of minutes.
4. AFTER A COUPLE OF MINUTES or when you feel comfortable continue to count to 4 on your inhale, then EXTEND THE COUNT ON YOUR EXHALE. Exhale for a count of 5 for a few breaths.

5. Continue to EXTEND YOUR EXHALE TO A COUNT OF 6, even 7 or 8. If this does not feel relaxed and easy, go back to inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 5 or 6. Continue this for another 1-2 minutes.
6. Once you feel relaxed you can drop the counting but continue your relaxed breathing and
7. ALLOW ANY PHYSICAL SENSATION ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR THOUGHT/EMOTION TO SIT IN YOUR BODY – it could be heart fluttering or an aching feeling in your joint, muscle twitching or something else (whatever the feeling is that makes you feel uncomfortable). Instead of trying to get rid of that feeling, ALLOW THE PHYSICAL SENSATION TO BUBBLE UP TO THE SURFACE – notice and observe it in a non-judgemental way.
8. CONSCIOUSLY WELCOME & ACKNOWLEDGE THE FEELING in your body (you don’t have to understand why it its there). In fact, you can even thank it for being there.
9. CONTINUE TO BREATH IN A SLOW RELAXED MANNER – until you notice a change in the feeling. If you start to get distracted with a memory or a story, just bring your focus back to your breath.
After a short time you may notice the uncomfortable feeling has reduced or even disappeared altogether. It may have moved somewhere else in your body, but this is a good sign as you have started to loosen it up and it is on its way to being released. Just like a child annoying a distracted mother, until she finally gives it some attention.
10. Once acknowledged, our mind/body/spirit can be satisfied that we have recognised the emotion/feeling and it can then move on.
This breathing method is particularly powerful during lockdown, as that is when we are most confronted by our emotions. During “normal” life, we are usually able to avoid feeling the feelings because we distract ourselves with another activity. This keeps the emotions/thought patterns held within the body. By allowing ourselves to “feel the feeling” we can sometimes let it go.
Click here if you would like a audio version of this breathing technique and I will send it out to you.
I would love you to let me know how this breathing method works for you – Go to the contact page and send me a message.