Today I was inspired by the 1MillionWomen theme song that was shared on social media. It made me start thinking about how our society views illness and how this is reflected in issues relating to climate change. We all know we should address health issues when they first arise, but we tend to wait until the pain interfers in every day activities before we do anything about them. I have come to the realization that this is exactly how we are dealing with the climate crisis around the globe.
Listen to your body when it whispers and you’ll never have to hear it scream.
A term (unkown author) used in natural health, to help people understand the importance of early intervention. However, the problem is that there is a lot more work to do to reverse the condition once it has “set-in” for the long haul! Overtime, the body adapts to the whispers, trying to tune them out, creating a cascade of further issues and pain as the person continues with their life.
A real life example… a woman starts getting back pain and headaches in the week leading up to her period (is told these are common symptoms of PMS), instead of investigating why these occur she takes “Nurofen” or other anti-inflammatory drug to treat the symptoms. Over time the back pain increases and new symptoms arise such as heavier menstrual blood flow. The woman may even head to the doctor, who gives her a prescription for increased pain relief and “the Pill” to help relieve the heavy periods.
After a number of years of increased disharmony and dysfunction within her body, she finally has had enough. She finds a health professional to investigate and treat her condition, a diagnosis is made, resulting in the appropriate treatment of an underlying disease process. The point here is that if she had listened to her body when it whispered, she could have avoided years of pain and dis-ease, well before her body was screaming for attention.
Mother Earth has been whispering to us for decades – think hole in the ozone layer, rising temperature of the ocean, animal extinction, (the list goes on), but the inhabitants of the Earth haven’t listened. Often this is because we have not been effected on an individual level. However, we now have no option but to pay attention as bushfires and floods occur with an increased ferocity and regularity having more and more devastating effects, not only in our country but all over the world. THE EARTH IS NOW SCREAMING and despite many countries taking decisive action, our government is still dragging it’s heals.

Last week the IPCC released “the most comprehensive climate report ever” which urged policy makers to take urgent action. Our government responded by saying it is up to the scientists and innovators to come up with a solution. The official position is that our country is only a small cog in the wheel, so until the bigger polluters get on board, our actions won’t make a difference. Whatever happened to the things we teach our children “Think Global, Act Local”?
As a woman, mother and natural healer, I believe it’s time to listen to the screams of the great Mother Earth. Turn our attention to nurturing her, after all she has looked after humanity for so long, let’s do whatever we can to look after and support her.
My blogs are not usually political in nature, but I truly believe that nature has the power to heal and we all have an obligation to look after her. 1MillionWomen have created an easy way to take action and get the government to take notice. If you want to be part of the solution and not the problem, you can do something. Here’s a link to the email (sent to my friend Caroline) on two ways you can take action. Link to 1 Million Women Email, or you can just type into your web browser to find out more.