Welcome to 2023! I hope it will be a fulfilling one filled with natural health and healing. This year is going to be a good one – I can already feel the positive energy and anticipation in the air – not just for me, but for everyone.
What’s install for 2023 at The Natural Healer
I haven’t yet completed my 2023 plan but here’s what’s coming up for the first quarter:
13th January – I will be launching my first ever group energy and sound healing session live and in person in Norman Park. I have collaborated with local crystal bowl sound healer – Deb Taggart – to bring this 2.5 hour therapeutic cleanse and clear evening. There are only a few spaces left, so if you want to start the year energetically clear, then sign up now.

I finally have a space in Melbourne to see clients face-to-face. I will start my commute to Melbourne in February to practice from an office in Kew – once a month. If you want more details on dates and/or to make a booking to see me – in-person, please send me a message via the “Contact” tab in the menu above.
Feb 2nd – Lammas – is the next significant date on the Wheel of the Year calendar – marking the end of the richness of summer (even though summer has not quite ended). I will be holding a small ceremony in person here in Norman Park, but will also be offering options for anyone wishing to hold their own ceremony. This is the time of year where we acknowledge that the tide has turned since summer solstice and we are heading into the darker side of the cycle. Want to know more? – sign-up to the Wheel of the Year activities.
- Free webinar on Feminine Energy Cycles
- First Women’s Circle for 2023
- Autumn Equinox Ceremony
More details to come in February newsletter.
Energy & Sound Healing – special event this Friday, January, 13th.
What’s it all about in a nutshell:
- Energy healing to bring your body mind and soul back into balance
- Crystal Quartz Bowls attuned to vibrational healing frequencies
- Start your 2023 year feeling refreshed, renewed and centred
This Healing Session will bring to you a sense of calm and peace that will last for weeks after the event. Just 2 spaces left – click here to book.
Summer Smoothie Recipe & Meal Planning update

Ready for your
Anti-oxidant Immune Booster?
This berry delicious recipe (see what I did there?) is a great way to start off your day feeling energized and ready to take on the day. It is a preview to the type of thing I will be offering in the new Meal Planner – due to come out later this month. If you’re interested in getting the recipe for the Smoothie – click here.
If a whole month worth of meal planning an preparation done for you sounds more your cup of tea then the Meal Planner is for you. Add your name to the list of subscribers here: I want a free Meal Planner.
If you’re not sure whether or not you signed up for the Meal Planner late last year (I know it’s been a busy month!) then let me know and I can check for you or just sign up again. It has been a while coming due to some unexpected family circumstances in December, but by the end of this month you will have all the meals for February mapped out for you – how good does that sound?
Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to clearing my unnecessary energetic baggage at the Sound and Energy Healing event this Friday evening! Who wants to join me?
Until next month – wishing you great health and a fabulous January!