Menopause 2021

The biggest life challenge of all?

Women reaching menopause in this day and age are trailblazers. The generations before have either fallen for the myth that this is the beginning of the end and/or have started to suffer from illnesses and ailments that previous generations did not survive. We are in the midst of a global pandemic where we are dealing with ageing parents, +/- children who are either teenagers or older (but still living at home), relationship issues all at the same time we are at the pinnacle of our a demanding career.

We are usually the ones tasked with holding our families together, but we are also experiencing new changes both physically and mentally which are starting to take their toll. There is no mould that we fit into (as most* of our mothers either didn’t work or their work was not a career that had them dealing with major responsibilities).

Many doctors are unaware of of the non-typical symptoms associated with the period leading up to menopause as this is a new field that has only just recently been recognised (in the last century doctors referred to the mental symptoms of menopause as hysteria or melancholy!). So, where do we turn to when we need help or just a shoulder to lean on? We do what women do best and that is come together. Belonging to a group of women going through the same stage of life can be empowering. Just knowing we are not alone and there is support makes life a little easier (think mother’s groups, beyond blue, etc). A recent article publish by ABC reminded me of the importance of group support for women going through perimenopause. I’ve added the link here if you want to read this article.

Next month, I will be opening my doors (virtually) to my 8 week perimenopause women’s circle – which starts September 2021. Each week I will provide guidance and support on well-known and not so well-known symptoms of (peri)menopause to help you navigate your way through this challenging period of life. If you are looking for a place where you feel understood, supported and able to discuss what you are going through in a small nurturing group, this could be for you. Feel free to get in touch to reserve one of the spots available or continue to follow my page to find out more.



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