Menopause – what are your treatment options?

Did you watch the report on 60 Minutes last night about the hidden suffering of perimenopausal women?   While I was happy that this important topic got some air-time, I was disappointed that there was only one solution offered:   “take HRT and everything will be fixed”!  I am aware that HRT can be successful in managing symptoms, but there are so many other options for women when they go through this transition period of life.  Supplements and natural medicines can also be highly effective, however there is so much more they can do. women are crying out for emotional support and understanding. 

Women can receive huge benefit from dietary changes, herbal medicine and other lifestyle interventions such as exercise & yoga. However, the biggest benefit I see is the emotional support and confidence they gain from being amongst other women going through the same thing. I would have liked to see 60 Minutes report on how women thrive in an environment where the solutions are based on treating the whole person – not just giving them another drug to treat the symptoms.  Menopause should be recognised as a positive turning point in our lives – our bodies no longer in reproduction mode, we can turn our attention to our own needs and positive future. 

If you are going through perimenopause (which may not just be the usual hot flushes & night sweats) and looking for support, please reach out by either booking a 1:1 consultation, joining one of my upcoming perimenopause group workshops or just email me with a question.  I would love to help you.



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