Most people don’t realise that memory loss is a common symptom of perimenopause. Our brain, which has been using estrogen for fuel, suddenly has to come up with another energy source when we have a drop in the reproductive hormones. I also have had blank moments when I can’t remember the names of people/things or words that I know are there in that back of my mind but just won’t come to the surface. It can be so frustrating!
The fact that I know memory loss is a definite symptom of perimenopause with a scientific explanation doesn’t always help me in those annoying moments but it has helped me understand what’s going on and actually work out some preventative strategies. If you are looking for strategies to cope with symptoms of perimenopause, why not join my Q&A Session on Perimenopause – it’s a chance to get some free advice from a naturopath.
All you need to do is click on the the date and time that suits you below: Thursday 3rd June @7pm or Friday 4th June @ 12noon or email: mardi@thenaturalhealer.com.au
Looking forward to answering all your questions next week