Women who breeze through menopause are women who prepare for the changes within their body and adjust their lives to suit
Connecting in with your CRONE wisdom helps you realize that until you put your own needs first you will not thrive in all the other aspects of your life.
The lead up to Menopause is the time when this really becomes evident. Hormonal changes during perimenopause can wreak havoc in your body, and your life, if you aren’t prepared. Here are three things you can do to start preparing for perimenopause and menopause:
- START SAYING “NO” to things that aren’t ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY – sounds simple, but too often women in their 40s are the ones who help out on the school committees, volunteer at the local sports club/support groups, or are the one responsible for looking after the elderly parent. Then you get home and have all the other jobs to do. Start getting other family members to do some of the jobs you have always done. You are not only helping yourself but you are giving others the skills required to be a responsible adult (they will thank-you for it one day!) Your need to and withdraw from anything you really don’t enjoy or need to do and start off-loading some of your work to others.
- NURTURE YOURSELF – It is so important for you to take more time out than you ever have before. It’s not selfish to spend time (and sometimes money) on yourself. It is, in fact vital to help you mind and body integrate with the changes going on inside. Even just a long bath once a week where no-one is allowed to interrupt you can help soothe a restless body and mind.
- GET ACTIVE but rethink the TYPE of EXERCISE you are doing. You may always have been a runner, but now is the time to reassess whether this is right e for your body. Activities like Yin Yoga are perfect for stretching out those connective tissues that have tightened up and could be creating injuries (from overuse and/or neglect). Go for an early morning walk (with the dog and/or a friend) Getting a friend on board, helps to be accountable to each other.
With all the changes going on in your body – these next few years of withdrawing from ALL THAT IS NOT NECESSARY is vital for you to emerge as a strong, powerful force within your family and society.