Menopause is not a downgrade from a reproductive/sexy woman. It’s an upgrade to the next level of life! So many women have fallen for the patriarchal myth that the key to a woman’s beauty is her youth. I see so many women who try to keep themselves looking young with artificial injections and pills.
I don’t want these women to feel judged – if that makes you feel good then go ahead, but before you do ask yourself – “Who am I trying to impress?” “What is wrong with liking and living my age?” “Is the desire to look young a result of my own core belief or that imposed on me by society?” “Is this the example I want to lead for my daughters?” I know many women will say – it just makes ME feel good and to them I say – Have you considered why? Is this because of your patriarchal upbringing? What’s wrong with who you really are – wrinkles and all? What is eating away on your inside that you need to change who you are on the outside? I know these are uncomfortable questions but it’s time to start questioning a whole lot of B.S we have been fed throughout our entire life.
Women of non-western cultures – such as Mayan’s of Mexico and women of Japan – generally look forward to their menopause years as they are shown greater respect and reverence as elders of society. I believe this is a contributing factor to the reduced number and severity of “symptoms” at this important transition in their life.
Embrace the age you are right now and you too can start enjoying your life as an older/wiser woman. Look at other women and praise the ones who have chosen natural beauty over artificial injectables or even surgery. Have you ever stopped to think “What exactly is wrong with looking the age you are in your 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond?” If at 40 you start trying to look younger, you are setting yourself up to fail for the rest of your life.
Constantly trying to look younger than you are is an impossible task and leads you on a road to perpetual failure: the never ending search to find that latest and greatest thing to preserve your youth.
Have you ever stopped to consider that it is in the best interests of the pharmaceutical companies (and the associated “cosmetic” industries popping up to inject who knows what into your body), to make you feel ugly and old. Don’t fall for the story women have been fed that your natural look is not enough. Have they really proven these things to be safe? Sure, the Dr/therapist/company that is selling the product is going to give you all the information on the studies that indicate it’s fine, but what about the other studies that show otherwise? Stop for a minute to examine who is profiting from this propaganda that a youthful appearance will be the key to your future happiness
Show society that we will not be dictated to by outdated patriarchal beliefs that feeds off women’s paranoia that we are supposed to have a certain look (to make us desirable to men) for the rest of our life.
Be part of the paradigm shift to clear the path for our daughters and grand-daughters that they can show up every day of their lives as the beautiful, unique person they are – inside and out. We are constantly telling our young people to be themselves. What sort of example are we giving them: trying to fit into a mould that no longer suits us? Give our daughters something to look up to – a woman owning every aspect of herself and not trying to be something she clearly is not. This is something they will respect and honour and, in turn, will teach them to respect and honour themselves. Until we start owning and reveling in our older age – paying respect and homage to older women in our society – no-one else will.
Own who you are. Love the person you are right now – no pretty wrapping required!