Time to Spring Clean your Body & Mind
Spring cleaning isn’t just about cleansing and clearing out all the junk in our house. It’s also about cleaning out the “junk” you have stuck in your head. One of the messages I have been consistently sending out lately is that:

You are not your thoughts & Your thoughts are not always true.
Use this fresh energy of Spring to cleanse your mind of old patterns and belief systems that no longer serve you.
Make time tonight or this weekend to write out some negative thoughts that you notice are recurring in your life and take steps to remove them. Sometimes, it’s a matter of just noticing and realizing they are not even your own thoughts – they are someone else’s thoughts that were given to you in the past. I’ve written more about this here: The Power of Herbal Medicine vs Pharmaceutical Drugs
Have you ever stopped to wonder about how herbal medicine can support your health? More than 80% of drugs are derived from natural plant compounds. So why aren’t we using the natural product rather than the synthetic version? The problem is that a natural product can’t patent something from nature and therefore a drug company can’t make a huge profit from it. The way they get around this is to look at the chemical make-up of the plant. The constituent(s) thought to have the beneficial medicinal effect are extracted (and often concentrated) to make the drug and then market the heck out of it to make it seem more superior. However, once a plant medicine is turned into a drug, only a small part – one or two components – of the plant is being used which is usually why side effects occur. Herbal medicine practitioners believe that nature creates the perfect product which usually doesn’t have detrimental side effects because it is the other supposed “non-beneficial” constituents -(disregarded by the scientists in the lab)- which creates balance to counteract the side effects. Nature isn’t silly – she creates things to work in harmony – why do people think science is better than nature? There is more and more discussion occurring about this as people wake up to the huge profits pharmaceutical companies are making from the production of drugs that have limited or no more benefit than a natural treatment option. There is a free 9 part documentary series being put out by a group called The Sacred Science. They interview many doctors, herbalists and people in this field to find out the reasons behind this. If you’re interested, check it out now (it’s only available for free for a limited time. Here’s the link: Remedy – Ancient Medicines for Modern Illnesses. Let me know what you think. If you’ve been receiving these newsletters for a while, you will know that I like to work with the seasons of nature and acknowledge the Wheel of the Year‘s important key times throughout the year. I use it to prepare for, and celebrate, the turning cycle of the earth and recognize how each part of the cycle affects me. Working in sync with nature is a powerful way to create health and benefit your life. The Spring Equinox is coming up later this month – Friday, 23 September 2022 at 11:03 am AEST. In recognition of the equinox, being all about balance and equality, you can use it as a time to look at what is happening in your life right now and identify where to create greater balance. I will be running a Spring Equinox event this year. If you want to know more about how to use this event to make positive changes in your life – put your name down on the mailing list for this event here: Spring Equinox Updates I have just announced on social media that I am giving away one free consultation to acknowledge Women’s Health Week 2022. If you have been thinking about booking in to see me, now would be the perfect time and you could be lucky enough to get this for free. Want to know how to win? Book in for a free 20 minute chat to see how you can improve your health situation using natural therapies using this link: Free 20minute chat. I want my newsletter to be relevant to things you are interested in. Please let me know what you thought of the newsletter this month. Hope to see you soon.Spring Equinox
Free Consultation Give-Away for Women’s Health Week
Let me know what you think.