Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is the time of the year where we have the longest day and the shortest night.  We celebrate the richness of the earth as it richly gives forth life, under the energy, attention and power of the sun.  Energetically, this is a very masculine time of the year, as in most cultures the sun represents the masculine (moon the feminine).

At Summer Solstice we honour the aspect of this with our own lives.  The assuredness and optimism it brings.

There is a sacred union where the earth is richly giving forth, supporting the flowering &  fruiting of the plants under the sun’s full attention.  This is the time of year where we acknowledge the fullness and blessing that exist within our lives: relationships, family, career, creativity, health, inner well-being, etc.  There can be a sense of fullness in terms of so much going on, and it can be valuable to acknowledge this.  Although it can be overwhelming at times – all the “busyness” -it can help to notice how this sense of fullness brings joy & happiness. 

If you are not feeling enjoyment oat this time and the sense of fullness in terms of so much going on in your life, is overwhelming, that’s OK too.  It is also important to acknowledge your true feelings and not try to manufacture something that isn’t real for you.  If this is the case, it can be a good time to reflect on what it is you would like to bring into your life to support yourself being open, optimistic and able to embrace the fullness of life or just reach out to a friend with a sympathetic ear.

At the same time, we recognise that on the opposite side of the earth it is the winter solstice, where there may not be so much exuberant and energetic action as that in the southern hemisphere.

Creating a sacred space to celebrate this time of year in the southern hemisphere can be a great way to take a moment to acknowledge this point in time. A good way to start is to recognise the cardinal points on the compass and what they represent:

NORTH – Summer Solstice – represented by the element of FIRE – the height of the season

WEST – Autumn Equinox – represented by the element of WATER  & the long rays of afternoon light – of the sun

SOUTH – Winter Solstice – represented by the EARTH element – a place of mystery, where the sun’s light doesn’t reach

EAST – Spring Equinox – represented by the element of AIR – the rising sun, warmth, growth & the promise of new beginnings, just revealing themselves.

How to create a ceremony or acknowledgement?

At Summer Solstice it can be beneficial to reflect on the power of each of these forces within and around you.  You can journal on your own or discuss this with others in a group.

Metaphorically we can equate this to our own lives – sometimes we are so caught up in one side – what is happening within ourselves, that we forget there is an opposite aspect.  We don’t live in isolation: we are part of a whole eco-system and it’s important to recognise that we aren’t always going to feel the way we think we “should” or feel the way those around us are feeling.  That’s all part of making up the whole, after all – without the sun, we can’t see the moon!  Another point to journal on or discuss in a group.

A way to seal the ritual – whether in a group of by yourself is to create a mandala.  I like to use food or items from nature, so they can be biodegradable and cause a flow on effect to benefit the earth and it’s creatures (things like dried lentils and split peas can be a fabulous offering to the local birds or other native animals). 

Chanting, singing or humming a tune that’s bright and uplifting can also help boost the mood whilst you are creating your mandala.

Once the mandala is complete – take a step back, reflect on what you  have created and either talk about it with others, journal or meditate. If you’re looking for other ways to journal or relate to this occasion see last year’s Summer Solstice post.

A good way to close the ceremony is with a meditation, allowing any creative thoughts and ideas to bubble to the surface.  Alternately, the meditation may bring you a sense of peace and calm and greater feeling of connection with the Sun, the Earth and Nature.

I’d love to hear how you get on – please send me a message to let me know what you did to acknowledge and celebrate this time of year:

Happy Summer Solstice!



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