1 week to go …
Summer Solstice for 2024 in Australia is 21 December. Usually, I am quite busy preparing for Christmas and don’t spend a lot of time musing over how I will recognise this event in my life but this year I am going to start preparing well in advance and figured some of you might like to come along for the ride.
If you don’t know what the summer solstice here is a concise definition:
The summer Solstice is “when the Sun’s track across the Australian sky reaches its highest point. It is the day that has the most daylight hours of any in the year.”
Want to read more about the definition of the Solstices and when they occur here’s a link to the Australian Government Geoscience website, which has concise and helpful scientific details: Summer and Winter Solstice. I’m not really here to talk about the science, I am more about the significance of it in our individual lives and the benefit of recognising important this and other times in the calendar as a way of connecting in with the cycles of nature.
What’s the benefit of connecting in with the cycles of nature?
I hear you ask…
By noticing these important milestones in the year it can help calibrate what is going on in our own lives: we can use it as a tool to improve our connection with the natural environment, which in turn improves our health in all aspects: physical, mental and emotional. It can also be a toll to set goals and to reflect on whether the things we are aiming for are working for or against us.
So now that you know there is one week left until this significant day of the year, you can circle it on the calendar and stay tuned in to my posts to find out more details of the spiritual connection and know what to do to prepare. Click on the green words for more details of how I acknowledge the Summer Solstice with a ceremony and you can either join in with me or create one of your own with your own friends and family.