What is a Cycle Chart and how to use it?

Imagine looking forward to your menstrual cycle every month, knowing that it is the key to an innate wisdom and knowledge.

The natural Cycle Chart is designed to be used with either your menstrual cycle or the cycle of the moon (for women who do not have a typical menstrual cycle).

Step 1

Start on Day 1 – either the first day of the new moon or the first day of your bleed (period).

Step 2

Make notes on your chart to indicate your thoughts and feelings. If you can’t fit everything in, keep a journal or diary to expand upon how you feel. It’s important to note emotions, thoughts and behaviours as well as physical feelings. I have created my own code for how I feel out of 10 in regard to my energy levels, as well as one-word answers for my emotions – things like steady, upset, elated, good, low, superwoman, etc.

Step 3

Make notes every day if you can

I admit that I sometimes miss a few days, but it’s harder to remember my exact feelings, so I try not to do this too often…

I like to keep my chart beside my bed, so I can record my notes in the evening, before going to bed and in the morning – as soon as I wake up if I have any unusual dreams.

NOTE: If you are a digital girl – you can keep a digital record, but it is important to have a hard copy and make sure to use the segments of the cycle for comparisons in future months.

Step 4

Once you have completed each cycle, it is also important to print-out a hard copy of the chart so you can overlap the charts after you have collected a few months of data. Yes – you are conducting your very own research project on the most important person in your life – you!

Step 5

After you have been charting for a few months you will start to notice patterns in behaviours, emotions, physical feelings and can go from there to start using this information to benefit your life.

For more in-depth details on how to use this to benefit your life – book into one of my workshops to find out about charting, how it relates to nature and seasonal changes and how you can use this knowledge to awaken your feminine power. Charting is just one of the steps…

Happy charting

To download your copy of the Natural Cycle Chart please complete the form below.

Natural Cycle Chart Download



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