Winter Solstice 2023

21st June is the day we usually recognise as the Winter Solstice but this year it actually occurs at 12:57am on Thursday 22nd July. This is the lowest point on the wheel/cycle of the year – it is the deepest darkest point. However, it is from this point forward we are moving away from the darkness toward the light. It is the birth of the new sun year and we can use this as a time for new beginnings.

Did you know that the sun is supposed to set and rise at the same place every year at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. These ancient stone monuments built over 5000 years ago and are consider particularly significant at the winter solstice where the sunset is visible through the center of the stone circle. How they were built and for what purpose remains a mystery to historians, although neo-druids, neo-pagans and druids celebrate here every year. I wonder what the ancient ancestors knew and what they did to recognise this important calendar event?

This year at The Natural Healer I am offering two events for Winter Solstice: in person on the evening of Wednesday 21st June and a free online on Thursday 22nd June.

The online Winter Solstice Ceremony will get you all set for creating a perfect setting to start a new beginning – whether it be for a project, a relationship or removing old “junk” to make room for something new.

Want to read more about the Winter Solstice? – Click here

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