Can support your mind & body
When we are feeling low, noticing the natural cycles around us can help to realize that nothing is permanent, and the tide will turn. Even noticing that in 24 hours of a day, there is not always bright sunlight. We are not geared to be out and about/active constantly: we need the darkness to rejuvenate, rest and regain strength. By reflecting on this we can find support and understanding of other cycles in our lives, when they feel strained:
We don’t always feel “loved-up”. It is natural to feel your love-life/relationship is sometimes in a slump, but just knowing that this is part of a normal life cycle, helps. Once you start taking steps to move forward, this creates momentum for change.
Let’s face it, we don’t always do/eat what’s best for our bodies, but as long as we follow the 80/20 rule, most of us will be OK. We are not robots, sometimes we’ve got to let our hair down and relax some of the rules.
You may not be in your dream job, but you could be working your way toward it. Just because you don’t love what you do now, doesn’t mean there is no benefit to it. It helps pay the bills to allow you to do the things you do love, or it is a stepping-stone toward the next part of your career cycle.

Noticing that our life is constantly in different aspects of a cycle can help us move through to the next stage. Connecting with nature also helps us see that cycles are always around us – the day/night cycle, the cycle of the tides, the moon cycle and our own menstrual cycle all have a connection to what is happening to us on an internal and external level. If you would like to find out more about connecting to your own unique cycle to improve your health and happiness, send me a message, I would love to support you.