YOUR MENARCHE EXPERIENCE – Is it that important?

Menarche is the time around puberty when a girl first starts to menstruate (aka get her period). How this milestone is viewed in a girl’s life (her family and/or societal views) can plays significant role in the way her menstrual cycle can affect her physical, mental and emotional health.  If it is marked as a positive experience, recognized and even celebrated, it can set a young woman up for a lifetime of self-empowerment.  On the other hand, if viewed negatively and hidden away it can lead to perpetual feelings of discomfort and shame.

Natural Cycle Awareness (NCA) or Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) is about embracing all the cycles that exist in our lives. By accepting and working positively with your menstrual cycle you can use it to provide guidance on how to live more in sync with your natural predisposition.  If you observe the cycles of nature you can see that every organism has cycles of growth and cycles of retraction.  By getting to know your own unique menstrual cycle and embracing all the information that it provides, you are connecting with the internal knowledge that is unique to your body.  This can help guide you on the right times to work hard, accept challenges and put yourself out there. On the flip side, you will know how to listen to your body and the right time to take a step back, rest and nurture yourself.

To work in sync with your own unique cycle and be able to access the intuitive knowledge that resides within us is a gift that mother nature provides.  Learn how to get in touch with your own natural cycles and you will find the internal compass to help guide the rest of your life.

The next Awaken Your Feminine Power workshop is all about this topic and will be held later in 2021, send me an email or click on the Contact Us button, to find out more and be sent a message when the date has been set



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