What’s the difference between pharmaceuticals and herbal medicines or supplements?

Many pharmaceutical drugs are based on the active constituents of plants or natures microorganisms. Modern anti-biotics were based on the Penicillium mould, and modern day aspirin originally came from the plant willow bark. These natural plants and microorganisms were studied in a laboratory and the active constituent (the part that creates the desired effect) extracted, the composition evaluated, and broken down to the chemical elements. This was then reproduced on a massive scale to create modern day antibiotics and aspirin. The rest, as they say, is history.

However, there is one part of this story that has been over looked by the scientists, which is why I believe plant medicines are superior to pharmaceutical drugs. Plant medicines include the whole or whole components of a plant as opposed to pharmaceuticals, that only take what is considered the “active” part of the plant. This is then manufactured in synthetic form (so that it can be patented) and marketed for that benefit. Herbal or plant medicines, on the other hand, use the whole plant because of the belief that the other excipients (elements) of the plant, which science have not yet discovered are “useful”. The additional plant parts work in conjunction with the “active’ component of the plant to support the desired effect.

Herbalists believe that one of the roles of these less active parts of the plant are to counteract the side-effects. The manufacture of the chemical composition of the “active” part of the drug to create a pill removes the additional “non-active” plant parts, which means that side effects are more likely to occur with these manufactured drugs. This is one of the benefits of herbal medicine over pharmaceutical products made in a laboratory. Why then do the pharmaceutical companies not just put all the chemical components of the plant into the drug? One reason is because you can not patent nature, so there is no way for the drug company to gain an competitive advantage and make money from a natural product. When it comes to deciding whether to use nature or pharmaceuticals it is a matter of weighing up the benefits of the natural plant vs the controlled and measure production process of the synthetic drug. Although many herbal medicines these days are factory produced, under stringent quality control, natural plants and organisms do have the fact that they are a product of nature that is always changing.

white and blue medication pill on pink textile

Can the plant medicines be interchanged with the pharmaceuticals?

The answer to this question is, it depends. Part of the manufacturing process can increase the strength of the natural product, which is why the pharmaceutical companies would call it a superior product. Many herbal medicine practitioners believe that it is not just about the strength of the dose, but also the intention and additional support given to the patient/client, that brings about the desired effect. There are some practitioners that use drop dosing (very low doses – by drops) that produces exceptional results for their clients, particularly in children and sensitive clients. As a naturopath and a herbalist, I have a confession, I don’t like using herbal remedies and supplements all the time. There is definitely a place for them but, long term, any form of medication (natural or synthetic) is just adding another layer of complexity to a health problem.

If the only thing I offer my clients is another type of pill or medicine (even if it is almost always better than a pharmaceutical drug*), then my approach isn’t any better than the drug pushing medical profession. Herbal medicines and supplements are a great tool to help treat symptoms and/or bring the body back into a state of balance, but they are not (nor should pharmaceutical drugs) a long-term solution.

My role as a naturopath is to help you discover the cause of your illness,
not just treat the symptoms.  

I use herbal medicine and supplements to help support your body,  but my aim is to give you the tools and support you need to heal yourself. That’s why I have wholeheartedly embraced sound healing, as it is not only a way to treat symptoms, it works on levels beyond the physical. It is in the space of alpha and theta brainwave activity (produced during a sound healing session) that clients can often find their own solution to problems. Not only that, whilst working on a subconscious and mental level, the sounds and vibrations are also working on the physical and emotional level.

I don’t believe as practitioners we should be seen as the saviour.   Sure I might have the expertise and knowledge on natural options to support your health and well-being,  but ultimately it it’s truly up to you to decide if you are ready to heal yourself. If you are not up to taking full responsibility for your health then you will never truly heal.  This may be unpopular for many people in our society, looking for a quick fix, but YOU and your actions are the most important part of the healing process. This is particularly true when we consider that most ailments exist on a physical, mental and emotional level. Giving over your power to someone else to fix you does not lead to long-term health and vitality. Only YOU can heal yourself.

Are you looking for solutions to your health

* my opinion based on the side-effects of many modern medicines, particularly those used for chronic conditions



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