The Natural Healer Blog

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January Newsletter

Welcome to 2023!  I hope it will be a fulfilling one filled with natural health and healing.  This year is going to be a good one –  I can already feel the positive energy and anticipation in the air – not just for me, but for everyone.  What’s install for 2023 at The Natural Healer

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pink smoothie

Immune Boosting Summer Smoothie

Here’s one way to start the day with a healthy boost… It’s a Smoothie with a kick of immune boosting anti-oxidants: If you want to get your year off to a really good kick-start then I also recommend you also do a mini detox to help you cleanse and clear some of the toxins you

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a cup of hot chocolate with a snowflake on it

December newsletter

Well this month has certainly got away from me! Unfortunately the beginning of the month was taken up with my father-in-law being admitted to ICU in Melbourne. After 10 days in hospital, he decided it was time to cross over into the after life. I really do believe that our soul decides when it’s time

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sunset over the horizon

Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice is the time of the year where we have the longest day and the shortest night.  We celebrate the richness of the earth as it richly gives forth life, under the energy, attention and power of the sun.  Energetically, this is a very masculine time of the year, as in most cultures

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white and gold round ceramic plate

The Three Types of Hunger

Understanding the reasons you eat … At menopause women have a natural tendency to put on weight. This is due to the hormonal changes that are occurring at this time in life. The weight gain tends to occur around the abdominal region and unfortunately this type of weight gain is what leads to heart disease

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woman using eyeglasses and wearing hat

Are you ready to become a grumpy old women?

Perimenopause is the time when everything becomes tumultuous and unless there is resolution of many of the things you have not dealt with (particularly issues you may have swept under the carpet) it can become

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yellow sunflowers during daytime

Happy Beltaine -November Newsletter

Perimenopause & Weight Gain Are you finding you’ve reached a certain age and your clothes don’t seem to fit right anymore? If you want to find out how to keep off those extra kilos without going on a diet or exercising more read on: Stop gaining weight during perimenopause . Beltaine You may have noticed

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How to stop gaining weight during menopause

I often see women who tell me that despite eating less and increasing their exercise, they are still gaining weight. At menopause women have a natural tendency to put on weight. This is due to the hormonal changes that are occurring at this time in life. The weight gain tends to occur around the abdominal

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Wheel of the Year – October/November – Southern Hemisphere Beltaine is all about indulgence, prosperity, surprise, delight, release, desire, wild energy, sexual tension, passion and an overall lust and joy of life.  We are entering the brightest season heading toward the full heat of the year – but haven’t quite arrived yet.  Historically Beltaine was

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