Autumn Equinox
Even though we officially marked Autumn as 1st March, the equinox is the actual transition into autumn in the Southern Hemisphere (In the Northern Hemisphere the Spring Equinox is at this same time). From here…
Even though we officially marked Autumn as 1st March, the equinox is the actual transition into autumn in the Southern Hemisphere (In the Northern Hemisphere the Spring Equinox is at this same time). From here…
As women, we are always nurturing and caring for others – it’s in our biological make-up. But this is often at the expense of the most important person in your life – yourself. If you are willing to drop everything to help friends, neighbours or any people affected by the floods, remember to decompress and release
A shower can calm your own nervous system but have you ever had an “energetic” shower to wash off someone elses stress? Stress and anxiety has been affecting so many recently, particularly over the last week with war, floods and the ongoing pandemic. Lately I have been supporting my community by offering activities and tools to
Have you ever noticed that if you consciously stop what you are doing and notice your breathing pattern, that the simple act of paying attention can slow down your breathing – without even trying. You can consciously choose to create a relaxed, rested state within your body also, just by practicing the following 10 step
Throughout the last 2 years, there has been a dramatic increase in anxiety levels throughout the world. This is caused by numerous factors, the biggest of which is a fear of the unknown. I will briefly discuss this but also look at how this state of anxiety has a detrimental effect on a person’s body
Due to the unprecedented amount of negative focus on a SARS-Cov-2 virus over the last two years, psychiatry now has it’s newest phobia label for patients : Coronaphobia. It is classified as a phobia because it has all three essential components of a fear response within the body: physiological, cognitive and behavioural changes. Physiological changes
Preparation Continues… Here’s the countdown to the exact time of the Summer Solstice. Unlike new year or other events around the world, based on dates, the solstice occurs at the same time all over the globe (although it is the winter solstice in northern hemisphere). Ceremonies to recognize and celebrate Nature and Mother Earth at
1 week to go … Summer Solstice for 2024 in Australia is 21 December. Usually, I am quite busy preparing for Christmas and don’t spend a lot of time musing over how I will recognise this event in my life but this year I am going to start preparing well in advance and figured some
The spiritual path of menopause is the one that is least considered by women prior to the event. By spiritual, I don’t mean religion: it is the process of finding an inner connection – a deep feeling within that creates a calm, balanced sense of self. If women allow this process to come to fruition,
Are you getting hot under the collar or just want a way to let off steam that is calm and relaxed? Try out both of these ancient practices of pranayama (energy breath) to give you a beneficial cooling effect within minutes. The practice is helpful for all people susceptible to sudden bursts of heat (whether
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