The Contraceptive Pill

Is it all it’s cracked up to be…

I have written about this before, but given the release of the recent documentary “The Business of Birth Control”, I thought it might be a good time to revisit this topic.

The birth control pill may seem like a convenient option for preventing pregnancy, but it comes with serious health risks that are often ignored. The synthetic hormones used in the pill can cause many side effects including blood clots, stroke, heart attack, and even death. Yet pharmaceutical companies continue to market the pill as a safe and effective form of contraception.

One reason they can get away with this is because the American FDA has low standards when it comes to approving drugs and the authorities in Australia seem to mimic that of the United States. Many dangerous drugs have been approved based on flawed studies or incomplete data, and the birth control pill is no exception. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies have significant influence over medical professionals who prescribe these drugs, making it difficult for women to access accurate information about the risks.

It really is frightening the number of adolescent girls and young women who take the pill without understanding the risks to their short and long-term health. These and other contraceptive methods alter women’s whole hormone cycle and prevent the release of beneficial natural hormones that can improve bone density and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to the pill that are safer and have fewer side effects. I am a strong advocate for menstrual cycle awareness (MCA) method. Although this method requires more effort and commitment, it offers women enormous health benefits, control over their bodies, and starts the amazing journey of understanding how your body talks to you in symptoms and pain. This is all without the risk of serious health complications associated with pharmaceutical products..

It’s time governments and women’s health advocates stood up to the pharmaceutical companies to prioritize women’s health over profits and for the medical community to acknowledge the risks associated with the pill. Women deserve safe and effective contraceptive options that prioritize their health and well-being.

If you would like to find out more book in for a 20 minute online Chat with me. There is no obligation to book in for an appointment, I can give you advice on the risk factors you currently face and the natural alternatives that are available to you. CLICK HERE to make a booking.



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