Stress & Sleep – a “Catch 22” situation
Sleep issues at any age are a sign that something needs to be addressed: It could be that ongoing stress has caught up with you; OR It could be that you are beginning the next phase of your life
Sleep issues at any age are a sign that something needs to be addressed: It could be that ongoing stress has caught up with you; OR It could be that you are beginning the next phase of your life
& 8 ways to re-set your stress response Stress creates a reaction in our body which is similar to an “all hands on deck” kind of response. It basically puts us into full alert mode. We can’t control the activation of this response through conscious thought because it occurs automatically as part of our Autonomic
Have you ever noticed that if you consciously stop what you are doing and notice your breathing pattern, that the simple act of paying attention can slow down your breathing
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