Will mainstream medicine catch-up to the benefits of Sound and Energy Healing?

The healing powers of sound and vibration have been around for centuries, if not millennia, however, it has only been in recent decades that western cultures have been willing to adopt some of these techniques. It continually astounds me that despite many ancient cultures successfully utilizing alternative methods to support an ailing body and heal chronic illness, these techniques are outright rejected until the science behind it can be proven.

Science and the adoption of new therapies

On average it takes two to three decades for “science” to catch up to the benefits and uses of successful “alternative” therapies. And it is only when the results can be proven in a laboratory and there’s been published studies that doctors might consider adopting these valuable methods of treatment. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not dismissing the value of modern medicine, it is brilliant at saving lives and treating acute illness but when it comes to chronic, long-term disease, I think it really sucks. I know I’m not alone in recognising that the most common treatment for chronic health issues in mainstream society today is management of symptoms – never treating the true cause of an illness.

Modern medicine is just starting to come around to the idea that suppressed emotions can manifest as physical symptoms, but they don’t know how to treat emotions – other than write a prescription for anti-depressants or anti-anxiety. The sooner western culture gets on board with treating the most insidious disease of the 21st century (Stress and Anxiety) the better off we all will be.

Traditional and ancient understandings

All ancient civilizations understood (even if it is yet to be “proven”) that chronic illness manifests in the energetic field long before it shows up on a physical level. It is on this energetic level that sound healing principles are based. We would rather work with the energetic field of a person and help it get back into balance to avoid the physical manifestation of a dis-ease. Even if you believe the only benefit is the relaxing sounds a client hears, to help calm down their stress response. That in itself is better than taking a pill to reduce blood pressure or regulate an out of balance thyroid gland.

What are healing instruments and what’s their purpose?

In my own practice I now use sound healing for all my clients and over the past couple of years have built up quite a collection of instruments as I have fallen down the rabbit hole of sound healing and am just loving all aspects of it. I started off with crystal quartz bowls, bur have now accumulated drums, gongs and Tibetan bowls, tingshas, koshi chimes, tuning forks and more.

I have also been using these over the couple of years during my group sound healing events. I am a continual learner and have been studying the value and technique of each instrument to refine my practice before I work on individuals. It is so amazing that I can use these instruments to assess energy depletion and over abundance of energy.

The whole purpose of using sound through the various instruments and specific techniques is to help bring an individual’s energetic field back into balance and hence create harmony in mind, body and spirit. I just love supporting people in this way, as it is consistent with my healing philosophies of using natural techniques and the natural world to reconnect with our own ability to heal.

Have you tried Sound Healing from a qualified practitioner? I’d love to hear about your experience. The next group sound healing coincides with the turning of the next season in the Wheel of the Year. Want to find out more or book in? Head to this link: Sound Bath and Energy Healing Special Event

I’d love to have you in my next group event.




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